My Publications

Journal Papers

Gellen, S., Saunders, F.C., Stannard, J., McAllister-Gibson, C. and Simmons, L. (2020) Can video support improve attainment? Evaluating the impact of teaching videos on student performance. ETH Learning and Teaching Journal, 2, 2 (2020): Special issue: ICED 2020 proceedings. Available from

Saunders, F.C., Brooks,J. and Dawson, M. (2019) Exploring staff attitudes to distance learning – what are the opportunities, challenges and impacts on engineering academics and instructional designers. European Journal of Engineering Education (In Press)

Saunders, F.C. and Townsend, E.A. (2018) Delivering new nuclear projects: a megaprojects perspective. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business.

Gillie, M., Dahli, R., Saunders, F.C. and Gibson, A. (2017) Use of rich-media resources by engineering undergraduates. European Journal of Engineering Education. 42,6, p1496-1511

Saunders, F.C., Gale, A.W. and Sherry, A.H. (2016) Responding to uncertainty: evidence for high reliability practices in large-scale, safety-critical projects. International Journal of Project Management, 34, 7, p1252-1265

Saunders, F.C., Sherry, A.H. & Gale, A.W. (2016) Dualities and dilemmas: contending with uncertainty in safety-critical projects, Construction Management and Economics.

Saunders, F.C., Gale, A.W. & Sherry, A.H. (2016) Mapping the Multi-faceted: determinants of uncertainty in safety-critical projects, International Journal of Project Management 34,6, p1057-1070 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijproman.2016.02.003

Saunders, F.C. (2015) Toward high reliability project organising in safety-critical projects, Project Management Journal 46,3, p25-35 DOI: 10.1002/pmj.21498

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Saunders, F.C., Gale, A.W & Sherry, A.H. (2015) Conceptualising Uncertainty in safety-critical projects: a practitioner perspective, International Journal of Project Management, 33,2, 467-478. DOI:10.1016/j.ijproman.2014.09.002

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Saunders, F.C. & Hutt, I. (2014) Enhancing large-class teaching: a systematic comparison of rich-media materials. Higher Education Research and Development, DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2014.911261

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Saunders, F. C. & Gale, A. W. (2012), Digital or didactic: using learning technology to confront the challenge of large cohort teaching. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43: 847–858.

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Books and Book Chapters

Saunders, F.C. and Gale, A.W. (2021) Managing Uncertainty in Civil Nuclear Projects. In  K. Devgun and J Boucau (Eds) Fundamental Issues Critical to the Success of Nuclear Projects. Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing

Saunders, F.C. (2012) Project Finance Casebook, Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education.

Conference Papers

Saunders, F.C. (2023) From confusion to clarity: Embedding SoTL within education focused career pathways. ISSoTL23 (International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning), 8th -11th November 2023, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Saunders 2023 From confusion to clarity_ Developing our EPC career pathway ISSOTL23

Occhio, A., Saunders, F.C., Chikwa, G. and Nicholson, D.T. (2023) Amplifying new voices and making space for alternative knowledge systems in engineering curricula – the example of Ubuntu. In Proceedings of SEFI ((European Society for Engineering Education) 2023, 11th – 14th September 2023 in Dublin

Amplifying new voices SEFI 2023 FINAL Version

Bennett, E., Ejohwomu, O., Gale, A.W. and Saunders, F.C. (2023). Accelerating the delivery and exploitation of technical R&D projects: the limitations of traditional project management process. EurOMA 2023, 3-5th July 2023 in Leuven, Belgium

Bennett, E., Ejohwomu, O., Gale, A.W. and Saunders, F.C. (2023). Project Management Process Barriers Impacting the Delivery of Technology Transition: A Systematic Literature Review. British Academy of Management conference, 1st-6th Sept 2023, Brighton, UK

Nicholson, D. T., Saunders, F. C., Jones, D. and Greenwood, A. (2022). Decolonising higher education curricula: Authentic guiding narratives from academic and learner communities. In: Proceedings of EuroSoTL 2022, the European Conference of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Manchester Metropolitan University 15-17 June 2022, p137-148. Online at:

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Nicholson et al 2022 EuroSoTL

Saunders, F.C. and Langan, A.M. (2022) A Tale of Two Communities of Practice: Building SOTL across a diverse Science and Engineering Faculty, EuroSoTL 2022, Manchester, 16th -17th June 2022

EuroSOTL 2022 Saunders and Langan Tale of Two Communities

Saunders, F.C, Boyd, S., Dawson, B. and Lenehan, A. (2022) The Many Faces of Science and Engineering. Advance HE Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference, Manchester, 16th – 17th March 2022

Ignite_Advance HE_Fiona_Saunders Many Faces FINAL

Saunders, F.C., Gellen, S., Stannard, J., McAllister-Gibson, C. and Simmons, L., Gibson, A. 2020 Educating the Netflix Generation: Evaluating the impact of teaching videos across a Science and Engineering Faculty SEFI (European Society for Engineering Education) 2020, 22nd -24th September 2020 in Enschede, Holland

Saunders et al 2020 Educating the Netflix Generation

Saunders, F.C., Gellen, S., Stannard, J., McAllister-Gibson, C. , Simmons, L. and Gibson, A.  2020 Exploring the use of teaching videos to improve educational outcomes: A cross-faculty study. Ádvance HE Annual Teaching and Learning Conference, Milton Keynes, 7th July 2020

Click on here and the mp4 version of the presentation will download

Munro, L.J., Coulthwaite,L., Marshall, J. and Saunders, F.C. (2020) Transforming student aspirations: embedding 5 year career plans within the curriculum. Advance HE STEM Conference in Manchester, 29th-30th January 2020

Transform_Aspirations_5_Year_Plans_AdvanceHE STEm Conference 2020

Saunders, F.C., Follon, L., Laville, H., Dearden, N., Cannell, S and Hamshire, C. (2019) Engaging with the executive: embedding tudent engagement throughout the university hierarchy. Researching, Advancing and Inspiring Student Engagement (RAISE) Conference in Newcastle, 4th-6th September 2019

RAISE Engaging the Executive FINAL

Fowler, M., and Saunders, F.C (2018) Reinventing engineering curricula around relevance, accessibility and quality, International Society for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Symposium in Banff in November 2018


Gillie,M., Dahli,R., Saunders, F.C.& Gibson, A. (2016) How engineering undergraduates use rich-media resources. 6th International Symposium for Engineering Education, Sheffield, July 2016

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Saunders, F.C. (2015) Illuminating the unknown: mapping project uncertainty in civil nuclear infrastructure. European Project Organising Conference, Edinburgh, June 24th –26th 2015.

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Saunders, F.C., Gale, A.W. & Sherry. A.H. (2015). Mapping the multifaceted: identifying the determinants of uncertainty in safety-critical projects. European Academy of Management, Warsaw, June 17th -20th 2015.

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Rubner, G. & Saunders,F.C. (2014) Student perspectives on formative feedback: An exploratory comparative study. International Symposium on Engineering Education. Manchester, 13th-14th September 2014

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Saunders, F.C., Gale, A.W. & Sherry. A.H. (2013). Confronting uncertainty: perceptions and practices of project managers in safety-critical industries. EurOMA Conference, Dublin, June 7th-12th 2013.

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Saunders, F.C., Gale, A.W. & Sherry. A.H. (2013) Understanding project uncertainty in safety-critical industries. PMI Global Congress, Istanbul, April 22nd -25th 2013.

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Saunders, F.C. & Hutt, I. (2012) Richness,responsiveness and relationship: Using rich media materials to enhance teaching of core concepts. Innovation Practice and Research in Engineering Education: -. eScholarID:170327

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Saunders, F.C., Jasper, M., Whitton, P. (2010) Promoting collaborative learning in engineering management education through the use of wikis: -. eScholarID:140521

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Saunders, F.C. & Gale A. W. (2010) Using Web 2.0 in Large Cohort Project Management Education: Panacea or Empty Promise: – eScholarID:140518

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Invited Thought Leadership Pieces

Saunders.F.C. (2017) Putting the Community into eLearning. Higher Education Academy Learning and Teaching Blog, 10th January 2017. Available at

Saunders,F.C. (2015) Designing Assessments that are meaningful, manageable and equitable. Higher Education Academy Learning Enhancement Blog, 19th August 2015. Available at equitable-and-manageable-uk-higher-education

Saunders, F.C. (2015) Successful Large class teaching. Higher Education Academy Learning Enhancement Blog, 17th April 2015. Available at

Saunders, F.C. (2014) Treating your PhD as a project: lessons from the world of project management. Thesis Whisperer Blog, 5th November 2014. Available at

How can you treat your PhD like a project?

2 thoughts on “My Publications”

  1. Dear Dr Saunders,
    I left my previous note on the wrong part of your page! I am a student at Aston University and started a DBA looking at Uncertainty in Oil and Gas Megaprojects. I have had a 30+ year career in oil and gas internationally and now work as a technical expert on megaproject arbitrations. I had come to a separate conclusion of seeing black swan events in my industry on such megaprojects. During my literature search, I came across your work. It is very insightful! I may use some of your approaches moving forward to apply in my sector. The highly deterministic methods in PM are not working on the megascale. I looked at multiple recent O&G megaprojects, and they all missed in cost, schedule and quality. The uncertainty, complexity and novelty are inter-related and require flexibility and new approaches to prevent major disruptive events. I would like to start a conversation.

    1. Thanks for your comment on my blog- and interesting to hear that you are looking at uncertainty in oil and gas projects. I always viewed oil and gas as the natural next phase of my research but I didn’t have the industry contacts to be able to pursue it. Would be good to connect and have a conversation about your DBA research. Do you want to send me a meeting invite by email and we can speak – btw Thursdays are more of my research day, so that would be a good place to start. With your time difference, we could meet in the afternoon maybe – via MS teams or Skype for business

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