My colleague Dr Susie Riley at The University of Manchester has deepened students’ understanding of some of the core concepts within aerospace engineering by getting 1st year students to produce short videos of the four main forces that act on an aircraft – lift, thrust, drag and gravity- and how they interact to get and keep an aricraft airborne. The results are impressive, especially when some of the students hadn’t heard of elevators before the course.
Another colleague Dr Martin Gillie (@martin_gillie) teaching Structures to 1st year civil engineering students at The University of Manchester was pleased to receive this particularly creative coursework submission .
It came in response to a coursework brief that asked students to ” identify study and research the behaviour and design of an existing structure. Present your findings on a maximum of two sides of A4 or equivalent (e.g. 1 side of A3, or a short video or any other means of communication)…”
Such student generated content can be a powerful tool for learning, and the content created can be reused or repurposed for future cohorts.
Additional Material posted 3rd April 2017
Dr Keith Brown at The University of Bath posted these instructions on a quick and simple method of generating short videos armed with nothing more than powerpoint, a storyboard, a USB microphone and a mobile phone camera. Its well worth a read and I will definitely be doing a bit of experimenting with this over the summer. My thanks go to Keith (@KeithBrownBath) for allowing me to share his work.